Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Wont Oovoo Recognize My Webcam

Post work T ^ T

work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work ... that most busy week! work work work work work work work. I broke my record, a magazine, in less than an afternoon, carbon dioxide, die now.

work work work work work work work work work ... and want to go home, lie down and play WoW! work work work work work work work work my boss congratulated me on a report.

- (st: omg! I am busy> _>)
.: Makenaide, makenaide:. Today

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rosetta Stone And Rsd

And get close enough without legs tremble, the heart race and my voice cut ...
know I am worthy of you and I can give a yes, so I can stop being afraid to approach you.

are the hopes sueñosy of deposit in a being that eventually may disappear, which is as real as dreams are just that though one's wishes with great earnestness, can not come to pass if they already are. Simple illusion!.

But he is human and desires will always fill the mind, hoping to become more forward in hope and reality. What's wrong with dreaming?

When the dream is more real, when it is there and not know what to do to take it and make it your own, what to do if you know you're awake and we just need to speak out and hope that everything is material, to stay and and at last stop dreaming, to live the reality.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dr. Ciaravino Reviews

A year

remembering things more, I realized something important and ends the year again. Adios 2010, we are 2 ½ months to get away from our hands. Honestly I have lived to the fullest, I have so many new experiences, I have met many wonderful people and others already knew a bit but now I discovered how beautiful they are.

I still have dreams to fulfill, classes and studies to do, but I have all the power available and recently graduated from college someone who believes his life has just begun.

Diox the rest his soul.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Edible Food Coloring Recipies

And the feeling was more painful for her to know that after so many years of dedication and unconditional love he saw another. Thus, another woman who was not her, someone who only engaged in robbing the man with whom he had spent so many years of his life, the young man who once married and raised a family was now a stranger to her.

That pain you feel so deep in the chest and the cold that travels throughout the body you feel it to know it - damn it! - Was seen with another. Younger "?," More beautiful? "Maybe, but the fact was that, he decided to be seduced by another woman home knowing that there was a woman, the same as from twenty-five years I waited, watched, and I was prepared alimetnos most faithful wife.

The feeling that is afflicting the largest ever suffered. Feeling betrayed and hurt.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Where To Buy Milena Velba Dvd

Ready Steady Go

Are you ready?

The reason for the post is purely for the pleasure I have for the song "Ready Steady Go "by L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel.

Anyone who knows me 6 months to 1 year, knows how much I love this band and anyone who followed elblog a time, so you know. And I LOVE this song and not because Full Metal Alchemist opening, if not for being the first single with the group returned to their whereabouts after a time devoted to professional growth outside the band. This is how, a couple of days, looking in rapids internet music I found the 4 versions of this song, with voce, of course, each group intengrante, besides that, someone joined and made a version 4, which in my opinion, really worth , is well connected, combined ... the group should get a version as well.

This is the version of the 4.

And nothing else.
With this and a cake ... bye.

- (st: <3 )
.: Ready Steady can not hold me back, Ready Steady give me good luck, Ready Steady never look back, LET'S GET STARTED READY STEADY GO!:.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pokemon Indigo How To Get Leafeon 2010

- Why did you kiss me?
"Because I want.
"You're a jerk.
"And you a complainer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Feet Hurt In Skates

The question now was whether it was really what I wanted, sometimes wanted to do without worrying about anything and let things just happen leaving you the reasons and grounds to life. But there were other times when he was concerned about everything and felt that nothing was viable and that if things were so, was that so I had to be and not otherwise and that the fact of trying to change something, the least, could lead to unusual circumstances friendly and nothing good.

the end only a matter of sadness and fear to something unknown. So indeterminate as life itself

"Life sometimes very scary" and others gives us both joys and ills, but one thing is certain and that is to end.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gay Cruising Areas Alabama

the effect of a meme


has reached the Billboard Top 100 , your video has been viewed millions of times and the song downloader iTunes store millions of times, the profits go to the creators and the affected family. A hit musical "2.0 digital age." --------

st: inspired
.: We're lookin for you, we gon find you, we gon find you:.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Samsung Pink Dots On Screen

"Hi, just to know how these and well ... to tell you I miss you very much and that was my mistake, if it is. It was a mistake, my mistake, I let you, I behaved badly and now you know it was wrong and that you do not deserve anything like that, I feel enormously ".

So began the letter that came from someone who believed Laura forgotten in principle but felt some bitterness over the letter he realized that although he had to go through sad times, had also been an important person in your life, deep down I still felt something. A small tingling began to explore her body.

The days passed and more and more letters arrived at their mailbox, always came from the same person, that subject of ever fell in love.

"My intention was never to hurt, but even so I did. I'm sorry" Laura

not yet responded to any letters, but they kept coming, and in each he asked forgiveness and remembered how much he loved her and how much she meant to him. At first read them and just felt something bouncing not read the letter again, but over time began to keep them in a shoebox under the bed jealously guarded. Sometimes he took out his box and read one by one the cards to stay asleep.
. It was decided I had to respond at once! pulled out a pen, took a sheet of paper and wrote a line, not only need to say anything more that was enough. He put the envelope in the mailbox and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city someone opened a letter, I was afraid, I was nervous ... unfolded the sheet and read:

"I forgive you"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Get Bangbros For Free

time the new day began waking up with the false idea that she would stay, he got up and looked at the bags at the door - you can upload love the suitcases to the car! - he yelled from the shower, Yes it was a reality she was going, but something still did not wake him for even did not understand the fact of the game. Afternoon

once registered on the plane were to eat and wait to be called to address
- What time does your plane leave asked at the time he took a sip of his coffee cup
- On average hours, "she said looking into his eyes.

And he still did not understand that and, soon, she would go

By four rose from his desk and walked toward the boarding gate, he took the bags, she tickets. All very normal partial, and he kept quiet.

- Well I think it's time, do not you tell me anything?
- You know I'm not good at goodbyes.
- could embrace.

That was the longest hug ever had. Then she kissed him and left him, was the last call to board, "goodbye" was the last thing he said before disappearing behind the glass wall was then that she realized she was! indeed it was.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Steroids While Nursing

Harta and the same things, lies and deceit, what is believed that, why could fool? Ever!. For a moment he thought he thought that maybe if I gave him that opportunity, something, however small, would be different and it might work, but no, he would never change their way of being always the same. A jerk and a hypocrite who claims to be in love and then leave with the same one he damaged supuetsamente so often, that last He once said would be the last "with? No, continued to be.

impossible to believe in love that way, impossible to love and be loved.

However, this very night she met someone. Is it different? someone else or just not even there shall be ...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Daim Chocolate Australia

says if I arrepeinto than in the past have done to live haunted by actions already taken place and, obviously, its impact and consequences have already been given.

So, why repent?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Women Peeing Themselves

a time ...

I woke up one day and thought, I like what I do, I really like ... And that's when I realized it's time to follow my path. It sometimes happens that you stop or stall for various reasons ... I sometimes do to achieve objectives / goals, to feel better or to fulfill a new dream ... xDD unfortunately at this moment I have a lot of sleep! haha had to say, sorry.

On the other hand, I walk with a tosesita that I was not going for anything, I badly very badly, I was given 2 days off from work and I healed a little, now I'm half better, but quite like here Cold and apparently I'm allergic to cold, wool, dust, animal hair, smoke, strong odors and many more things, I scrubbed because I can not do anything, I have to buy a bubble to live.

In other news, I am sorry not to post often, yes, shame on me ... but in reality between work life and the attempt I'm starting to take me too lazy to do it. Step connected in the gmail but with a different account and disconnect to connect this gives perecita, I think these days the change to be able to post more often.

On the other hand, the superficial, I uploaded like 5 lbs., Of which I have lost 2 and I think I'll upload them again these days haha \u200b\u200bI've been up and down up and down as boring, but I started an exercise routine so I hope to stabilize a bit of my body and hormones.

Well, now you, to continue working there who are asking for something urgent. And right now I go out to eat toast because it touches so hungry to have all ready.

They want you all and thank you for being here.
O_O xoxo

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Does La La Wear A Weave?

thing I have learned is that things we think, sometimes so high that when they do not happen as we think, we get upset by that simple fact and send the whole thing off, but should not be so because in this life but the fundamental basis consists of one person (singular), the relationships that have this unique must be made with a generality or other body (plural), then at that moment the bottom line is to ensure our own uniqueness, but also consider there are other entities that are also unique, and that at any given time will be correlated with us, then what we think is not going to think the other guy. Can not be bothered by not meet our expectations when we do not even mind that the other subject (and multiple) also had aspirations and expectations, which may well be the same, but what is obvious to think they are and will be completely different, because the perspective changes one being to another.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Java Application License Protect

of Father's Day last

I've not had anything to tell or say lately, work, sleep, eat and get fat ... and as I'm emo, I close this post with a hug and cuddling toditos pa.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Stop Burning Feet

Answers Questions That Bench

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why Do I Have White Bumps On My Balls

congratulations daddy, have a good time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How To Build A Homemade Dunk Machine

was night, they left a shop and the car up she said something that chilled her blood for a moment, was so sudden that he did not respond. I never imagined that she could make a comment of that magnitude.

There was silence for a moment, though deep down he would have have liked to repond yes, he did not, shut up and try to hide their shame, at that time could not even bear his look, so that child, responded with a question. Fimeza and had to show determination or it would not be taken seriously, the next thing was to come out of his mouth eloquently show ... Meanwhile

elsewhere a female figure took his phone to make a call.

"Hello how are you? "Well

- What are you doing? Are you busy?
"No, tell me
-Quero you answer something
" Tell me, what do you know?
"I want to know if anything can be as before, as in a
Something happened at that moment that made this subject so far talked without paying much attention to what they said on the other line, take a seat.

-What do you mean that things are as before.
"If, as we were. Remember?
"I remember, but I do not understand

was then that the female figure said something that echoed in his head

" I'm willing to try.

He gasped for a moment, could not give an effusive response; wanted to be quiet and careful answer to that proposition.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maxillary Polyp In Brain


over a year ago I made a deal with a man for the website, he was professor of a university where I studied and stayed after so much talk to your page with all the law would be for 200 $ (It includes the hosting and 3 domains ...) basically I was going to end up with nearly 100 (or less) for the programming and design site, a bargain I'd say. Now I feel cheated, Mr. Joseph called Inca Véliz and page not found (despite having insisted every month) because I always said he was busy and it would be for the next month. I bought (paying money and talking to my provider) hosting and domain trust his word that he was going to make a trade. I have emails where he promised to pay me but seem to work or efforts were never respected. makes me sad because it allegedly is a person who respects the work of others.

recently after much insistence to cancel the value of domain hosting and I paid less half and told me I would not cancel the rest because he had nothing when I said early on that domain and hosting was one years duration (and for this moment your package had expired). I told him that he could give copies of the invoices and the information given to me then so you have something physical but even though I did a design of "Under Construction" until he can solve its problems at that time sigi me saying he had nothing. So we stayed one day, unable to call ... and so the same situation, one day and be present or not to call him after every fortnight.

I'm tired, every time we were one day I make excuses, do not pay me, always have problems, always busy, just make excuses for not paying and I will pay. To me it is a lesson never to "give" my work and trust people, at least on the job because I see that nobody cares about actually job growth of others, selfishness in this world is large. Thanks "person and" post the situation and help clarify everything.

I'm sure I'm not the only one affected by this type of situation is a shame, a great pity that. I apologize, but that is why the country does not progress, the lack seriousness of the persons on the work of others and the lively Creole.

If someone is going to do a job, ALWAYS ask for 50% advance, we must ensure respect for one's work. Respect to respect you!. --------

.: And There we go ... :.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do Dickies Jeans Shrink In The Wash

growing annoyed

Sometimes I think how hard it is to grow, begin to gain more responsibilities and things that you think, but more than difficult for me is stressful, because I have too many plans and little money jojo!. I have no fear of the future, I know that everything will go well, I have more faith than ever and more willing than before. I'm starting to see houses or apartments, more apartments than houses, I see the possibility of starting a business, and I have a master yet, and I see what courses to take to better prepare.

A friend told me not to see both what I want but what I can do, but my mind does not work that way, I was taught to love and fight and sacrifice for it. So far I have took, makes me fall in love with my dreams and do not want to drop or by the flatulence of fanesca. Oh

dioxan, ay dioxan, so much and so little time and money to do it NOW haha \u200b\u200beven while I enjoy my traumas, making calculations as I can to balance her cell phone and waiting for the Promotional Marketing course that begins on Friday . This

I retreat into the arms of Morpheus. Spend
well and if they do not return these days, happy holidays!.

-------- (st: <3 )
.: When i was a little druid, I Asked my mother What will I be ... will i be feral, will i be rest. Here's What She Said To Me ...:.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Poem About Respiration

of which I think I have a "bad side" in me, who does what he wants when he wants and acts as he pleases, without guilt, punishment and of course goes berserk state almost 24 / 7 and I think today is on the loose. Amanecí medium well, a bit annoyed because I fell asleep and I could not go to the net a job, what good is it for the night, and I know that because I could not go wrong is that since the work I can not access ftp servers (or at least that I have understood) so I have to wait to get home. It is still early and I'm in a bad mood, WRONG! should not be like this, humor is damaged in the afternoon, not so early ... and the worst is I do not know why, but I'm bad, stressed, angry, annoyed and I'm like this since yesterday ... but bueh, right now I go for something sweet and wait to pass me a bad mood ... bless Diox fortnight. Close

mine are listening to the song of Betty La Fea and looks like it is soothing and reassuring me wrong, I actually like that song, amuses me and invited me to sing.

do not know why, I guess out of curiosity, just enter a post is not open for months and I entered a feeling of nostalgia and something more, longing for that I still keep coming post forums and pages of games that I ever signed and things more and more because ... I do not know, I guess I use as a permanent reminder that there are thoughts that should not ever come to light or something.

Error on page hotmail. Microsoft will rule the world ... if you have not already doing haha \u200b\u200b

Please playlist miraculous work with me today to be happy! ... great sensitivity and mood swings I do think I have PMS.

-------- (st: plgp)
.: A fucking expansion! some privacy please! :. Congratulations

Sunday, May 9, 2010

When Are You Required To Wear Earplugs Decible

happy Mother's Day May

moms, mommy, mamasotas, mamases ... and even more who are away from their children, single mothers and those who have gone ahead alone for their children or their loved ones, to them my deepest admiration and respect.
image taken from a page that does not know ...

And now the joke of the mothers who sent chain.
Mothers: Everything you ever needed to know, what I learned from my mother:
- My mother taught me to appreciate a job well done: "If you are going to kill, do it outside. I just finished cleaning "
- My mother taught me religion:" Pray that will come out of the carpet
- My mother taught me reasoning: "Because I said so, so ... period,"
- My mother showed foresight: "Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you have an accident"
- My mother taught me irony: "Keep crying and see how you give a reason to cry real"
- My mother taught me be thrifty: "Keep the tears for when I die"
- My mother taught me osmosis: "Shut up and eat"
- My mother taught me contortionism: "Look at the dirt you have in the neck"
- My mother willpower taught me: "You're going to sit around until you eat everything"
- My mother taught me about weather: "It looks like a hurricane has passed by your room"
- My mother taught me truth, "I've told you a million times that you are not exaggerated "
- My mother taught me patterns of behavior:" Stop acting like your father "
- My mother taught me ventriloquism skills:" I grumble, shut up and answer me: Why did you do that? "
- My mother taught me techniques in dentistry," and answer me again and I will stamp the teeth against the wall "
- My mother taught me about honesty:" I'll straighten a smack "
- My mother taught me encrypted language:" Not me, not me ... you, you ... "
- My mother taught geography: "As you continue so, I'll send one to Cadiz and the other at La Coruña"
- My mother I taught biology, "You have less brains than a mosquito
- My mother taught me logic:" Mom, what's for dinner? "" Food! "

." fly, fly! luggage you do not need! " :.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Broken Capillaries On Breast Causes

post random respawning

few months ago I moved house. I still am doing, I have yet to open boxes and sort things but as I hope will not last long here (in this house) there is no trouble with that. I touch this issue because the other day to the site where work had real estate open house (open house of homes) and of course, was not idle I began to ask, Samborondón had Vía, 10 minutes from the bus terminal, at the Kennedy departments and in different places that I have not gone. It was fun!, Of course I do not want to buy a house at km. not as Via La Aurora / Perimeter / Daule (since-coming of La Puntilla, all that is happening is not Via Celeste City Samborondón) but I gave my information out there and Villa's Club gave me a pen.

Now the lords of the estate agents sent me information, I understand why when we saw home I flatly refuse to go (as I was about to get off the moving car) when we find a path for "back in Citadel XYZ, is at that is about as close to towns is just that I like and far from everything.

As you can tell, I hate the places far from the heart of the city. Where I lived before was also complicated in that sense, to leave was a mess to get TAMIB, you had to climb Lomota up to the Citadel, a nasty process.

For now I buy an apartment because I'm too selfish to a house. I saw some simpaticones and I hope to access them quickly. Even that will keep asking and getting feathers! haha.

MJ. --------

.: Thank you Mario, pero THIS princess is going to Another castle! ... :.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Fort Worth

post written at the beginning of April but uploaded on April 29 ...

------------ Well, I turn to write something after a while. But it will be rather short because I organized at the office and while waiting to be attached and become some videos I take.

The other day I came across this:

From Deviant Art ...

Clash_tekin From the site ...

is a place where you can make and dress your own Sailor Scouts (Sailor Moon), I made one. It was cute.

i <3 doberman

Monday, March 8, 2010

Connecting Record Player To Tv

Happy Women's Day


(found on any website)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

La La Hair Post Wedding

seeing fruit loops ...

or fruit ...
whatever Mr. Mario Josephus Passiflora
of Mercedes and other Poisonous Herbs ... Well, unofficially until I get the cardboard Live.
... ^ _ ^


Finally!! I'll finally be able to sleep a little more on Saturday, finally be unraveled on Friday, finally I have some free time on a Sunday!. Omfgn64 pulpero dioxide for shit!.

now will play the Masters degree that I had seen, but look set to change the date, was to begin later this year but by the reception given him in mid-change. Please dioxa cockroach, which opened two courses so I can enroll with confidence * crosses fingers *.

That's it.
Eat healthy things and chocolates.

-------- (st: guruguruguruguru)
.: "Are all your bases belong to us".

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Congradulations Wedding Phrases

love me ...

sometimes what is in the network was looking
something that resembles a "Valentine Dark" or "Dark Valentine", to put the image on the messenger when I came across this:

Perhaps one of the most ambiguous images I've seen regarding love, say, is a hand with a heart, ok, in the fist has written "first" or "first", ok, may not be indicating that this is what the first love?. Holy jebuss ... fear. So I'm going to make a move against falling in love, everyone should be friends and friends with rights and ... ha!.

Diox the pill for the flu is affecting me. I've been sick since the night of 14, I got a terrible flu, headache and nausea to 14, fever and mucus 15 and now I'm more alive thanks to a sementerio pills and vitamin c in the stomach. Sick on Friday would have preferred to be more aware at work tomorrow, but hey, get the touch balaclava, scarf and wool coats for the cold which is beyond frightening.

With this I leave before I start writing things that I can repent (ha! again) or start to say the winning numbers in the lottery or lotto (this is more likely) without having bought me first.

Take care that the cough is in the air.
Kisses in the distance. Your friend
. MJ

PS: so cool this picture, also taken from internek ...

-------- (st: runny)
.: Play with me ... :.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Online Hair Dye Simulator

And there was another Valentine's Day, love is in the air and all Friends wish you happy day.
Happy Valentine to you. Thanks for reading all this time.


-------- (st: happy days of cheesy things! <3)
.: I loves me I love me not, I loves me ...:.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Watch Southpark On Your G1

much sweet Valentine Event

I'm a fan of sweets, I love, the more cloying better. But this time, I am eating candy since Sunday and I do not want xD solemnly promise on Monday to eat healthy, diet, take my pills for health and exercise.
  • On Sunday night I ate half the dish with bold sweet.
  • On Monday night I ate at the other half of the sweet dish with bold
  • ate sweet Tuesday not remember what. Wednesday
  • double cake, ice cream cake and chocolate cake with caramel and vanilla I think. Today
  • sweet dish with vanilla ice cream probably tomorrow
  • sweetest dish with vanilla.
  • Saturday and Sunday I expect more sweet ... haha I want but I would not, are very tempting!
New year, same life, but I think better lol ... be seen, this step is more likely to happen in a state of overdose of sugar and hyperactivity continued to do something revolutionary.

sooo many kisses and do not eat sweets.

-------- (St: owo)
.: XD definitely fall behind each year more haha:.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How To Make A Electronic Toy

found on Facebook is those (really) short adventures the following event: Event
Pillow Fight 'International'
From what I understand is a group of crazy people gathered, with pillows, hoping to see more people with pillows to fall on

almohadazos oO Maybe go out there, just to see what's up with that.
With this, I retreat to finish my breakfast sandwiches with cake dish out xDD

-------- MJ (st: n /////// n mode on)
.: I Was Born to Make You unhappy xDDD:.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Tell If Someone Masterbaits

Another month found nwn nom nom nom

We came in February, and we spent a month in 2010 and the clock is ticking. Lately it my imagination or is proceeding faster than normal? or is it my imagination?. Then spent another month there, and another and another and another and when we realize it will be October!, Scary! haha.

to come back in December, eagerly await the lunch tomorrow haha.
Beware!. MJ

-------- (st:>.> ... If you know that I despair?)
.: "I woke up one morning, your song still sounded ..." - Viajar Contigo (Alex Ubago). alegríiiiiaaaaa wiiiiiiiiiiii

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cartier Paris Quatz Swiss 20-61323

that if it works haha \u200b\u200b
cross your fingers, entrusted to St. Jude; set sail to all the saints and believe there is something better out there. xDD
Welcome New Year 2010 ... Welcome.

--------( st: ^___^)
.: I feel like schoolgirl in love haha! :.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jewish Clothing Stores In Montreal

that flooding is still me! >. Middle < amo la lluvia, con mi vida, me encanta, la quiero, la deseo con amor casi enfermizo pero para variar SIEMPRE termina afectando mi dormitorio. Esta vez no entra el agua ni por la ventana (toda abierta por cierto) ni por el hueco de mi inexistente aire acondiconado... la pinche agua se entra por el hueco donde entra el cable de tv cable! por la grandisima!.
bedroom full of water, I had to raise all the cables and lift me pants to my ankles do not freeze when it comes to the office. I have not taken pictures yet, as soon as you do the upload. CABLE TV petty lords who leave their jobs at half or poorly made.

Now, I did a cartoon a classmate of the office.