Sunday, May 9, 2010

When Are You Required To Wear Earplugs Decible

happy Mother's Day May

moms, mommy, mamasotas, mamases ... and even more who are away from their children, single mothers and those who have gone ahead alone for their children or their loved ones, to them my deepest admiration and respect.
image taken from a page that does not know ...

And now the joke of the mothers who sent chain.
Mothers: Everything you ever needed to know, what I learned from my mother:
- My mother taught me to appreciate a job well done: "If you are going to kill, do it outside. I just finished cleaning "
- My mother taught me religion:" Pray that will come out of the carpet
- My mother taught me reasoning: "Because I said so, so ... period,"
- My mother showed foresight: "Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you have an accident"
- My mother taught me irony: "Keep crying and see how you give a reason to cry real"
- My mother taught me be thrifty: "Keep the tears for when I die"
- My mother taught me osmosis: "Shut up and eat"
- My mother taught me contortionism: "Look at the dirt you have in the neck"
- My mother willpower taught me: "You're going to sit around until you eat everything"
- My mother taught me about weather: "It looks like a hurricane has passed by your room"
- My mother taught me truth, "I've told you a million times that you are not exaggerated "
- My mother taught me patterns of behavior:" Stop acting like your father "
- My mother taught me ventriloquism skills:" I grumble, shut up and answer me: Why did you do that? "
- My mother taught me techniques in dentistry," and answer me again and I will stamp the teeth against the wall "
- My mother taught me about honesty:" I'll straighten a smack "
- My mother taught me encrypted language:" Not me, not me ... you, you ... "
- My mother taught geography: "As you continue so, I'll send one to Cadiz and the other at La Coruña"
- My mother I taught biology, "You have less brains than a mosquito
- My mother taught me logic:" Mom, what's for dinner? "" Food! "

." fly, fly! luggage you do not need! " :.


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