A friend married some days ago. And as she didn´t want a big wedding, she promised us a country lunch after their honey moon. So she did.
Lagun bat ezkondu egin zan orain egun batzuk. Ez zuen ezkontza haundi horietako bat nahi, beraz mendi bazkaria promes egin zigun ezkontz bidaiatik bueltatzean.
Una amiga se casó a few days ago and not wanting one of those great wedding, we promised a picnic on return from honeymoon.
There We Had, a roof to cover from rain, a great fire to cook and warm, and lot of space to run and play.
Sua eta bat Txabola jolasteko ugari leku.
Fire for cooking and warmth, a roof when it rained and a lot of room to run.
Vergie and fresh beer.
Garagardo freskua eta letxuga hartu Berriak
fresh beer freshly cut lettuce.
And a hot coffee for the end. Eta
kafetxo Beroea amaitzeko.
and hot coffee to finish.
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