Monday, May 9, 2011

Cancer From Brazilean Wax

Morning light-night light

Walking early in morning means finding all prepared for the day to come. As if everyone has been working to fit everything just for the city to be itself.
Goizez hiritik ibiltzeak, sentimendu arraro bat dakar burura. Jendea gauzez lanean ibili izan balitz lez, dena prest lagatzeko. Dena bere lekuan edukitzeko.
Walking early in the city means to find everything ready for the day ahead. As if someone had been taking care of every detail so that the city seems you have to look.

Walking in the last lights of the day Means Finding The Most Beautiful lights reflexed in the everyday faces.
Eguneko Azken ordutan ibilitzean Azken argiak Betiko aurpegitan aurkitzeak dakar.
Walking in the last hours of the day means finding reflected in the faces of ever more special lights.

I love to sit in the high part of the city (I live at nearly 600 m above sea level, in a city which lies in a hill). I love to see how sun changes city colours, and leaves that sweet feeling of pink moments. The shadow of buildings that seem more magnificent, the darkness of the night coming slowly.
Hiriko parte altuan eseritzea maite diat. Eguzkiak nola hiriko koloreak aldatzen dituen ikusiz, nora lagatzen duen larrosa koloreko sentimendu gozoa. Nola itzaletan dena dirudien bereziago, nola iristen den gaua lautadatik.
Me encanta sentarme en la parte alta de la ciudad (vivo a casi 600 m, en una ciudad que se eleva en una colina). I love to see how the city changes its colors, leaving the feeling fresh and pink. The shadows change the majesty of the buildings and dark walks slowly from the plain.


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