Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Catch Shiny Pokemon In Heartgold

Corner view: on my kitchen counter

My kitchen was just a few minutes ago full of wood, food and oil. Some warm salad with eggs, with vegetables and cheese. Oil always in hand. Some wine, for just a glass after work...
Sukaldea minutu batzuk dala bazkariz betea zegoen, egurrezko tresnak eta sniffed. Arraultzakin salad, Gazta, eta txanpiak porruak. Olio eskura beti. Ardo APUR bat, Ian osteko edalontzirako.
few minutes ago, my kitchen was filled with wood, food and oil. A warm salad of cheese, egg, mushrooms and leeks. The oil on hand. And some wine, for that whimsical glass after work.

Sorry But this computer has a horrible day ....

Lately There Is too much food in my posts?


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