Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Japan tree conexion

Chiaku: If you mantained my spirit in your heart, you will feel my strengh. Let life show the more stupid face. Laugh, laugh and laugh a lot, just to let the smile light your mind, heal your heart and let your spirit dance.
Chiaku: Nire spirituality Bihotza mantendu zure, indarra nire sentitzeko. Bizitzari Utzi alderdirik txoroena erakusten. Barre egin, sweeps sweeps Gogora Hortz Artean eta, buru zure barreak argitu Dezan, DADIN path Bihotza eta zure zure egin espirituak dantza Dezan.
Chiaku: If you keep my spirit in your heart, feel its strength. Let me show you life the absurd side. Laugh, giggle, chuckle and laugh out loud laugh for laughter enlighten your mind, heal your heart and let your spirit dance.

Sometimes it is Not easy to find words to send support to all friends in japan.


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