Monday, January 24, 2011

Men In Public Showers

Bread, beer and some ideas

This weekend I went to some cooking classes. It was in a new space near my home. I have a great time and enjoyed a lot having hands busy and mind relaxed.
Astebukaera honetak sukaldari klaseetara joan naiz. Etxe ondoan dagoen espazio berri batean. Denbora izugarri ona izan nun eta eskuak lanperutik edukitzeak burua lasaitu egin nindun.
Este fin de semana he ido a clases de cocina. Ha sido en un nuevo espacio cerca de mi casa. Disfrute mucho y tener las manos ocupadas me despejó un poco la mente.

The receips Were
about center and easter europe and polish Makowiec Holzofenbrot bread.
erdi Europe ekialdeko ogiak eta, eta Holzonfenbrot Makowiec poloniarra.
breads recipes east-central Europe, and Polish Holzofenbrot Makowiec.

It was cold at home and I Spent too much time working ... in front of the computer Preparing Some work for monday.
Etxea hotz zegon det eta denbora gehiegi happens .... ordenagailu lanean astelehenerako Aurra gauzak prestatzen.
The house was cold this weekend, and I had to work .... too many hours at the computer.


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