Sunday, January 30, 2011

Congratulations Wedding Phrases

Remember, that's all the memories that sometimes haunt us and so many us great zeal pursue or seek. Sometimes those memories go bump and shake their heads, is part of a life translated into a simpler time when everything, absolutely everything, it comes. And I remember in other circumstances, many look more happy or you felt at that time.

Remembering the past is just remember the old treatment ... Often want to return to them.

That's what happened to Karla, recalled waking up one morning to that time when she met him, was happy project, nis even thought at times "difficult"-those that caused the rupture of that "forgotten" love " . Happy and was conceived in love, kisses and glances were that addressed his mind, smiled to remember, and as he smiled you could see the sadness in his eyes (that he feels to be happy), the memories were better, even competed with what eventually came to feel.

I remembered him, so sweet and delivered, the things we did together. And all it was a mixture of melancholy and joy, happy times are over. Things that perhaps should have happened.


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