Sunday, January 30, 2011

Congratulations Wedding Phrases

Remember, that's all the memories that sometimes haunt us and so many us great zeal pursue or seek. Sometimes those memories go bump and shake their heads, is part of a life translated into a simpler time when everything, absolutely everything, it comes. And I remember in other circumstances, many look more happy or you felt at that time.

Remembering the past is just remember the old treatment ... Often want to return to them.

That's what happened to Karla, recalled waking up one morning to that time when she met him, was happy project, nis even thought at times "difficult"-those that caused the rupture of that "forgotten" love " . Happy and was conceived in love, kisses and glances were that addressed his mind, smiled to remember, and as he smiled you could see the sadness in his eyes (that he feels to be happy), the memories were better, even competed with what eventually came to feel.

I remembered him, so sweet and delivered, the things we did together. And all it was a mixture of melancholy and joy, happy times are over. Things that perhaps should have happened.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where Can I Buy Fake Braces

Corner view: Artist

My mum started to paint when she retaired four years ago. This is her last picture.
Amak pintatzen hasi zen jubilatzean orain lau urte. Hau bere azken kuadroa da.
Mi madre empezó a pintar cuando se jubilo hace cuatro año. Este es su último cuadro

Apart from painting, she knit, beautiful gloves, crochet nearly everything, had done a lot of clothes to us and for her, and has a great hand ability. She is my favourite artist....and the one I love more and more.
Pintatzeaz aparte, josten du, puntua egiten eta gantxilora engantzatua dago, txikitan arropa egiten zigun...Nire artista maiteena da...gero eta gehiago.
Mi madre a parte de pintar, hace punto, cose, hace ganchillo, nos hacía la ropa cuando eramos pequeños y cose para ella...tiene gran skill. It's my favorite artist ... and each time I like.

Look for more artist over the corners just

Monday, January 24, 2011

Vincent Van Gogh Personality Disorder


Light was bad, it WAS late ... but I Had the moment ... playing ....
Berandu zan, Argia txarra momentua bayna izan zan ... nun ... jolasten
The light was bad, it was late ... but I had the time ... to play ...

What do you think?

Men In Public Showers

Bread, beer and some ideas

This weekend I went to some cooking classes. It was in a new space near my home. I have a great time and enjoyed a lot having hands busy and mind relaxed.
Astebukaera honetak sukaldari klaseetara joan naiz. Etxe ondoan dagoen espazio berri batean. Denbora izugarri ona izan nun eta eskuak lanperutik edukitzeak burua lasaitu egin nindun.
Este fin de semana he ido a clases de cocina. Ha sido en un nuevo espacio cerca de mi casa. Disfrute mucho y tener las manos ocupadas me despejó un poco la mente.

The receips Were
about center and easter europe and polish Makowiec Holzofenbrot bread.
erdi Europe ekialdeko ogiak eta, eta Holzonfenbrot Makowiec poloniarra.
breads recipes east-central Europe, and Polish Holzofenbrot Makowiec.

It was cold at home and I Spent too much time working ... in front of the computer Preparing Some work for monday.
Etxea hotz zegon det eta denbora gehiegi happens .... ordenagailu lanean astelehenerako Aurra gauzak prestatzen.
The house was cold this weekend, and I had to work .... too many hours at the computer.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Shampoo For Acne

after new year

going to write something, but I forgot.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. And have a good time the rest of the year. MJ

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Red Circle With A Bump

and firing so long, at some point, there was some convergence between the two bodies, two souls and two bodies which decided that perhaps, that night, that day, then had to join. They did not know if I want expect from each other.

She did not want to fall in love, he said, while he just wanted company. None

knew something about love, maybe that's what helped. At night, long night, they knew something like that without knowing calleron yielded to that feeling.

Maybe, maybe, the next day ... These two are already in love.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is It Normal To Have White Bump Lip Piercing

I like that feeling of being away from home. But knowing the same time, I'm close because I always carry some of it with me.