Sunday, April 24, 2011

Problems With Paraffin Wax Machine

Some days at home

Weather is not good today. Raining,
Denbora grisa eta euritsua da....urdina.
El tiempo está gris y llueve...azul.

Time to be between books. Home cleanings. Handmade works. And little windows of light.
Irakurtzeko denbora. Etxe garbiketa. Etxeko lanak. Argi lehio txikiak.
Tiempo de libros. De limpieza. De trabajos manuales olvidados. De pequeñas softboxes.

To be at home.
izateko tourist Etxea together.
Moment of being a tourist at home.

And just enjoy the little people That is at home to go to new places in old concerts.
Gozatu, jenda gutxi dagoelako, leku zaharretan kontzertu Berriak ikustera joateko
just to enjoy the few people that are in old places to find new voices.


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