Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eden More And Melina Velba

City film photos....first in so much time

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Thesis On Abortion


And yes, one after another until it reaches three, and they all loved as only two strangers can do with the frenzy and delivery of one who knows he will never see another again. Kisses with rapture but tasteless, free of obligations ... kisses they were just that.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Problems With Paraffin Wax Machine

Some days at home

Weather is not good today. Raining,
Denbora grisa eta euritsua da....urdina.
El tiempo está gris y llueve...azul.

Time to be between books. Home cleanings. Handmade works. And little windows of light.
Irakurtzeko denbora. Etxe garbiketa. Etxeko lanak. Argi lehio txikiak.
Tiempo de libros. De limpieza. De trabajos manuales olvidados. De pequeñas softboxes.

To be at home.
izateko tourist Etxea together.
Moment of being a tourist at home.

And just enjoy the little people That is at home to go to new places in old concerts.
Gozatu, jenda gutxi dagoelako, leku zaharretan kontzertu Berriak ikustera joateko
just to enjoy the few people that are in old places to find new voices.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Desmume Pokemon For Mac

Birthday is over


I was born the 17th of april of 1975 at 10.30 am and I was 3,300 Kg.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Where Chandan Taskar Virrapan Kill?

few glasses, a cocktail, two people and the memory of memory of what a night it was.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Kind Of Vest Ferris Bueller Wears

Corner view: home

When I arrive home, I have a little, little one person and a bag, or to thin person lift.
Etxera Heltzer, aszensore ttippi ttipia, pertsona poltsa eta bat, edo bi pertson Argales tipokoa.
At home I have an elevator type, person and bag or two thin people.

Or I can go up, just using the stairs.
Edo eskilarak dezaket gora egin.
Or I can go upstairs.

What You Want Sometimes you Reaching Different Ways, some more easy, more hard Others, But The important is to Reach What You Want. Arriving at home.
Batzutan asko bide dezuna nahi lortzeko Daude, errezagoak, gogorragoak ... bayna garrantzitzuena dezuna lortzea da nahi. Etxera heltzea.
To get where you want, you have different ways, long, narrow, difficult, or easier. The important thing, however, is to reach or get what you crave. Get home.

Other Take a look at homes.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Catchy Slogan For Vespa

Corner view: time

What is time? How long is Something? How Many Things can I do? Explore
time and the perception of time Influenced By What we do .... HERE
Zer da denbora? Irauten Zenbat gauzek dute? Egin Zenbat daitezke gauze?
Denborari buruzko auznarketa denboraren dimensioa eta ....
What is time? How long something? What can we do? Explore
time and how it is influenced by what we do ....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Iphone Applications To Jar Converter

corner view: late reflections

a bit more Than In 10 days I will be 36. And Lately I spend quite a lot of time Reflecting. Quite a lot of my spare time FEW. Sometimes I think I am living just by inerce. A good friend told me just to brake, but I am afraid of falling if I do it suddendly. So I try to change things...but changes don´t arrive. And I try not to think, just to enjoy details, and little things that could make me smile. But sometimes it is not easy.
At work, I work too much. Crisis time they say, we all must try hard. But it lets me no time. At home, just I find that sometimes I have no time to do anything, and I spent my weekend just cleaning. Friends. Some are near, other so far, but lately they all seem to have travelled far away. Family, they are always there, as usual.
No love, no even someone to smile at.
I am lucky, I know, and I thank everyday for that....but sometimes it seem that it is not enough. I feel I am getting  old so quicky that I am not able to enjoy.
I should not think so much.

The photo is from my grandmum home. Love that old lamps, have beautiful shadows.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Aussie Vw Sandrail Buggy

28 years