Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Does An Elevated Bilirubin Indicate

Lazy weekend

Homemade bread. Recipe here.

Rice with vegetables and squid.

Sweet strawberries are here.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Linda Goodman Astrology 2010

Corner view: Blue

Winter afternoons Hardly Have beautiful blues That Can Be catched.
Gaueko atsaldeen urdin ikusgarriak dituzte kolor.
winter evenings blue display hits.

It is time to scandinavian black nobels, in white blue paradises.
Iparraldeko nobela beltzaren unea da, non paradisuak urdin zurian marrazten diren.
Es tiempo para la novela negra escandinava, en paraisos en azul y blanco.

It is the moment of the blue in water. The clouds swiming in little water lakes.
Ur urdin momentuak uretan arrapatuak. Laku txikitan igerian dauden hodeiak.
Es tiempo de azul en el agua. De nubes bañándose en pequeños charcos.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leather Bracelets For Guys And Engraving

New Baby Birthday

Few people know that all my electronic devices or new technology called them "baby" until I sponge a name ... Well, I do not put a name, I say to those who have shared those moments of suffering to get you set the name. I'm not good with names, funny names finished making (see my nick as an example).

ago a couple of months ago I bought new baby, not out of the bedroom, is a computer with mac and windows at once, if I have a hackitosh and love.

That is the monitor, is about 22 ", which is down that is the keyboard, near the monitor are the headphones I got for the birthday (I know you do not read this, but thanks! I love hearing my world will never be the same), and the bottom of the desktop is the cpu, a beauty where you want to see, I love my computer but touch me pay monthly and have to sacrifice sleep for temrinarla, but I love her.

and connectivity to the internet and upgraded. As Windows 7 gives me trouble sometimes to share internet via LAN, I downloaded the WoW and I selo in grip the Mac, plus the graphics are crisp and makes better use of resources.

still seek him name the baby, let's see if baptism as a man or woman to do such.
Fanta and Oreos for everyone!.
- MJ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can Yaz Be Used As Emergency Contraceptives

Do you know how subatomic particles obey the laws of physics? These

act according to opportunity, to chaos to coincidence, they run into other in the middle of the universe and



We are equal

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Make Lidocaine

Ropes and knots

Fishing port. Sea was angry although could not show her anger.
Arrantza portua. Itsasoa haserre zan, baina ezin zuen bere haserrea atera.
Puerto pesquero. La mar estaba cabreada, pero no podía mostrar su rabia.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kharghar Resale Property

Corner view: San Valentin

Just look for beautiful stories, my heart is still in hospital

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bleeding Whilst On Loette

Live must go on

On friday I had a talk with my boss. He was thinking about giving me a goodbye...Apart from the reasons, the bad moments, the all time thinking, the bad temper...I continue working. Maybe it is not be best I need in this moment, but it will pay the bills.
Ostiralean hizketaldia izan nuen nagusiarekin. Agur esatea pentsatua zeukan...arrazoiez aparte, pasatako momentu latzez aparte, egun guztian pentsatzen egoteaz aparte, humore txarra...lanean jarraitzen det. Agian ez da behar nuena, baina sorrak ordaintzen ditu.
On Friday I chat with the boss. I was thinking ... say goodbye to some of the reasons of the bad times, bad mood, to be all while thinking about it ... I'm still working. It may not be what I needed now, but pays the bills.

A friend of mine and her girlfriend Are Taking a year off to travel. A year clying in South and Middle America. So I jump up to say bye .... Them and die of envy. Nire
lagun batzuk urte free Hartzer dute bat. Bidaiatzeko. Eta bat bear Hego Urte Erta Bizikleta Amerikan. Esatera Agur eta joan nintzen enbidiaz hiltzera.
A friend and his girl are taken a sabbatical. A full year to cycle through South and Central America. So I went to say goodbye ....

So I had a weekend out near Zaragoza.
Beraza INGURU astebukaera Zaragoza goes Nuenen.
So we spent the weekend near Zaragoza .



Just Keeping in mind, my friends, the moments with Them Them Hoping .... just a great time and waiting for Them to be back. Buru
pasatako uneak gordez, Lagunak, hizketaldiak, barreak .... Daitz itxaroten ondo izan, eta LAist buelta egon daitezen expect.
Recalling the moments with them, laughs, talks ... waiting for a good time and that time to have them fly back.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Announcement Letter For New Hires

win ...

All those feelings I had kept to himself, deeply rooted in the depths of his being is not knowing when they would emerge at times seemed to look out and she was ready to let them out but something had to not let her, that sentimeitno there it was, she wanted to leave out yet, even so, he never left.

was the same, those memories that pursuit.
New hopes they could get to be.
The future that was full of shadow, all clear for her.
Hope and stupidity that I longed for certain things happen.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gay Men And Pinky Nails

birthday and after I came to a great conclusion, I want to go live in Canada. A master's study there and live there. If I can not Canada be elsewhere, but I do not Mestries in this country and follow on line is a carajal.
So from now this will be my super goal of life. That Diox help me.
Besos. **

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Need To Track My Period

Corner view: an evening sky with my favourite actor

Days have been quite grey lately....sunday night was special.

Vincent Cassel

I have no time. I have problems at work, and they are affecting to all life...hope soon everything will end, for good o for bad.