Live must go on
On friday I had a talk with my boss. He was thinking about giving me a goodbye...Apart from the reasons, the bad moments, the all time thinking, the bad temper...I continue working. Maybe it is not be best I need in this moment, but it will pay the bills.
Ostiralean hizketaldia izan nuen nagusiarekin. Agur esatea pentsatua zeukan...arrazoiez aparte, pasatako momentu latzez aparte, egun guztian pentsatzen egoteaz aparte, humore txarra...lanean jarraitzen det. Agian ez da behar nuena, baina sorrak ordaintzen ditu.
On Friday I chat with the boss. I was thinking ... say goodbye to some of the reasons of the bad times, bad mood, to be all while thinking about it ... I'm still working. It may not be what I needed now, but pays the bills.
A friend of mine and her girlfriend Are Taking a year off to travel. A year clying in South and Middle America. So I jump up to say bye .... Them and die of envy. Nire
lagun batzuk urte free Hartzer dute bat. Bidaiatzeko. Eta bat bear Hego Urte Erta Bizikleta Amerikan. Esatera Agur eta joan nintzen enbidiaz hiltzera.
A friend and his girl are taken a sabbatical. A full year to cycle through South and Central America. So I went to say goodbye ....
So I had a weekend out near Zaragoza.
Beraza INGURU astebukaera Zaragoza goes Nuenen.
So we spent the weekend near Zaragoza .
Just Keeping in mind, my friends, the moments with Them Them Hoping .... just a great time and waiting for Them to be back. Buru
pasatako uneak gordez, Lagunak, hizketaldiak, barreak .... Daitz itxaroten ondo izan, eta LAist buelta egon daitezen expect.
Recalling the moments with them, laughs, talks ... waiting for a good time and that time to have them fly back.