Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Stop Burning Feet

Answers Questions That Bench

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why Do I Have White Bumps On My Balls

congratulations daddy, have a good time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How To Build A Homemade Dunk Machine

was night, they left a shop and the car up she said something that chilled her blood for a moment, was so sudden that he did not respond. I never imagined that she could make a comment of that magnitude.

There was silence for a moment, though deep down he would have have liked to repond yes, he did not, shut up and try to hide their shame, at that time could not even bear his look, so that child, responded with a question. Fimeza and had to show determination or it would not be taken seriously, the next thing was to come out of his mouth eloquently show ... Meanwhile

elsewhere a female figure took his phone to make a call.

"Hello how are you? "Well

- What are you doing? Are you busy?
"No, tell me
-Quero you answer something
" Tell me, what do you know?
"I want to know if anything can be as before, as in a
Something happened at that moment that made this subject so far talked without paying much attention to what they said on the other line, take a seat.

-What do you mean that things are as before.
"If, as we were. Remember?
"I remember, but I do not understand

was then that the female figure said something that echoed in his head

" I'm willing to try.

He gasped for a moment, could not give an effusive response; wanted to be quiet and careful answer to that proposition.